Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saltwater Taffy

Today was just one of those days. One of those days where I woke up grumpy from lack of consistent sleep. One of those days where I just felt uncomfortable in my pregnant skin. One of those days where friends came over and my kids acted TOTALLY insane thus encouraging everyone to use condoms or practice strict abstinence. Just one of those days.

Of course when these days come, which they do to all, it seems inevitably to infect everyone around you, which only makes the situation worse. So, by 5pm not only was I having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day….so was the rest of my family. My house was a mess, my kids were unruly, and my husband was grumpy because I was grumpy. I decided to go for a walk. It was raining and cold but I knew I just had to get out and get some space to gain some perspective on the situation.

I walked up the sidewalk and around the block which lead me to the front door of an elderly woman in my church who has an extreme case of scoliosis. I often stop in to see her when I have things to drop off or apples to pick form her abundant trees but today, I had nothing so, I walked on.

Something inside me though told me to turn back. I’ve ignored these kinds of promptings before and it never ends well when I do that. Course when I get these feelings I immediately jump to negative conclusions like “what if I’m being prompted to go in there because she’s fallen and she can’t get up?” or “what if she’s feeling blue today and really needs someone to talk to?“ or “what if she’s being held hostage?!” …I have an active imagination. Maybe that’s good cause it made me go back and give a little knock at the front door.

Her great granddaughter answered and I immediately saw that all of my ideas where wrong, of course. But I came in anyway admitting blatantly that I had no good reason for being there. She kindly put her television show I’d interrupted on pause and about 2 minutes into our easy conversation I realized that I was prompted to stop there not for her but, for me. Her house was warm and cozy with a fire crackling peacefully. Her smile was soft and sincere. And she fed me saltwater taffy while we just enjoyed each others company.

By the time I left 10 minutes later I was a totally different person. I thought as I walked home through the rain how grateful I was for the atmosphere Sis Posey kept about her and in her home. I thought with renewed energy about how my house was crazy right now but that it would eventually become more silent than I want it and sooner than I want it to.

I went home and took the boys and the dogs for another walk in the rain with me. Then we had a snack and read a story out of the Friend magazine. We talked for several minutes about prayer and they actually sat and listened to me! I brushed their teeth, sang them a song and put them to bed. And now, my house is silent.

I’m feeling keenly aware that the evening could have ended a lot differently. Thank goodness for a little rain, a warm fire, a kind smile and saltwater taffy.


Marie Louise said...

I LOVE those days! Those days when our bodies and out hormones treat us unkindly, and then one kind work from a good friend or loved one makes the negativity melt away! If its any consolation to you, I spent most of yesterday thinking about you and Emily. I hope you like the results!

Aim said...

ooooo! I'm so excited! can't wait to see what the surprise is!

Jamie said...

Awww, I loved this, Aim. We really miss you! Who knew this summer would be so busy (what with the traveling and the pregnancy and the ailing loved ones)and we'd never get to play? Shucks. There's always another Montana summer, so no worries. We are so excited for Miss Em to arrive and to come play with Sam and Jake again. We miss you all adn talk about you all the time. (Tell Jake Heidi and Jack were talking about him just this sweet!) XOXOXO

Cliff and Cynthia (at home at work at play) said...

Loved it.