Thursday, June 24, 2010

Good Crack

Summer is in full swing, finally, and it only took us one full day in the 80s (after complaining for 3 weeks about the rain) for us to start complaining that it is sooooo hot. I have never been pregnant in the summertime and let me tell you, Matt’s not coming anywhere near me with massage oils and Barry White between the months of November to June ever again! Just kidding, he’s not that cheesy…no massage oils.

We decided recently to put our house on the market, which only adds to my insanity. Matt promised it wouldn’t be that bad (as I look at him with that “you don’t know what your talking about” face). But, I agreed to it after a good round of Garth Brooks who sings incessantly of not taking the easy road. ….That and statutory rape (“That Summer”). Anyway, our awesome realtor also is super flexible and promised to let us out of the whole shebang the moment I start to feel like I can’t take it, or the baby is too close to coming.

Speaking of baby, my poor little feet aren’t used to carrying around so much weight in this blistering heat. My toes look like little sausages. It hasn’t spread to my ankles yet, thankfully. Every night after dinner though I’m just done done done with the day. I turn on the sprinkler for the kids in the backyard and watch them from my bedroom window with the fan on, feet propped up, and ice on top and bottom. Bliss.

It all makes for a very short-tempered mama though. Today I had to literally bite my tongue to keep from telling some fat stranger lady not to lean over my fence to pet my dogs. It really bothers me when people I don’t know try and get friendly with my security system. Course, it doesn’t help that my dogs go from rabid barking to tail wagging poodles in a slit second. Traitors. My tongue still hurts.

There are highlights though like popsicles, cold showers and this picture I snapped of Jake getting out of the back of the bike buggy. Nothing like a little bit of good crack to make you smile.

(Lets not even begin to discuss how the "grass is greener on the other side" phrase rings painfully true in this particular shot. Two dogs make it impossible to have anything nice.)

Only moments before, both boys where squeezed into that tiny space of which I’ve only been able to fit about 3 gallons of milk. Sammy looks like he's been hot boxn' the back of that buggy.


Heidi Reads... said...

Pretty soon you'll be baking here with us... but we can escape to the beach!!!

Joy Jill Barker said...

Hahhaaaa! You make me laugh Amy :) I didn't even think about the grass 'till you mentioned it, funny :) Half the fun is gettin' there... someday you'll look back on all this with a sweet reminiscent smile on your face, or maybe you'll just have a smile on your face cause it's over... either way, you'll be smiling!

Aim said...

That is so unfair Heidi! Ahhh the beach. I miss it. And I know your right Joy. I promised myself I wouldn't complain once I found out God was giving me exactly what I asked for (a girl). I would do good to remember that when I look down at my sausage toes. :)