Wednesday, November 18, 2009

If You Had To Describe Your Kids In Two Words....

Jacob: pensive and imaginative.

Samuel: Bold and independent

What would you say about yours?


Schoenfelds said...

Cute idea, Amy! Missed seeing you at New Moon!

Rylie: cautious and intelligent
Rori: adventurous and silly

Jill Petersen said...

I saw this post last week and I really wanted to answer it but I had to take some time to think about it.

Ally: Sweet and sensitive

Belle: Curious and vivatious

Jack: Loving and timid

Ben: Strong and playful

Miss Megan said...

I like it!

PK would probably be curious and independent.

Jamie said...

I think I just did this xercise writing our Christmas letter--

I said Addie is sensitive adn conscientious

Heidi is sassy and brilliant

James is sweet and detail-oriented.

Also, we are coming next weekend and we will stay over on Thurs. and Friday, but we'll need to leave early Sat. to go to the Nutcracker Tea at 2pm and so I can get ready to sing, teach RS, and do the Community Choir Christmas Concert and St. Lucia Day all on Sunday. It makes me tired just thinking of it!!!!

The Lyon Den said...

My little Sophie is a SASSY pants! At least that is what Nate says. I am going to have to agree,but she can also be pretty sweet.